Water Pollution

The City of Waterloo is committed to providing safe, cost-effective wastewater service to commercial and residential customers within our city. We are equally dedicated to operating our wastewater system in an environmentally responsible manner.

The City of Waterloo is issued a National Pollutant Discharge Permit through the State of Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This Permit has specific discharge limits the City must comply with. The City of Waterloo consistently complies with all parameters of their NPDES Permit. Click here to access the City of Waterloo's NPDES Discharge Permit. 

Waterloo has two wastewater treatment plants at 3505 Easton Avenue and a Pretreatment Anaerobic Lagoon at 2749 Independence Ave.

The two wastewater treatment plants, located at 3505 Easton Avenue, are: a domestic Activated Sludge Treatment Plant called Easton Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant and an Industrial Activated Sludge Treatment Plant called Satellite Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The Total Hydraulic Capacity of the two treatment plants at 3505 Easton Ave is 47.1 Million Gallons/ Day MGD with a current Organic Reserve of 58,000 lbs of BOD and 13,550 lbs of TKN (Total Kjehldahl Nitrogen). The City of Waterloo is uniquely positioned for future economic growth and continues to make improvements to its treatment process to comply with State and Federal regulations. Waste Management Services goals is to always be environmentally responsible, be efficient and cost effective as possible.    

Total Effluent Discharge to the Cedar River Outfall #801 & #011
Annual Average for Year 2023:
  • Flow- 10.81 Million Gallons per Day (MGD)
  • CBOD (Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand)- 6.86 mg/L
  • TSS (Total Suspended Solids)- 13.0 mg/L
  • NH3-N (Ammonia Nitrogen)- 2.89 mg/L * Most daily analysis show a Less than 1.0 mg/L value. 2.89 mg/L Average is average of all values above 1.0 mg/L
Total Influent Loadings #801 to Wastewater Treatment Plant
Total Influent Wastewater Loadings Outfall #801,
Annual Average for Year 2023:

  • Flow- 11.0 Million Gallons per Day (MGD)
  • BOD5 (Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand)- 411 mg/L
  • TSS (Total Suspended Solids)- 443 mg/L
  • TKN (Total Kjehldahl Nitrogen)- 89.11 mg/L

For 2023 The City of Waterloo-Waste Management Services had the following average removal efficiencies:

  • CBOD REDUCTION %= 98.03%
  • TSS REDUCTION %= 97.0%

If there are any questions or if we could be of any more help, please contact us. 

City of Waterloo
Waste Management Services
3505 Easton Avenue
Waterloo, Iowa 50702
(319) 291-4553